10 AEW Title Changes That MUST Happen In 2023

3. World Tag Team Championship - Pac & Penta El Zero Miedo

MJF Jade Cargill

Leading on from the possible schism in Death Triangle, on the one side is uber-babyface Rey Fenix; on the other, the pair of scoundrels Pac and Penta. Bopping people with a hammer is all well and good, but if you really want to announce yourself as the baddest team on the planet, you’ve got to take on the most beloved men in wrestling.

To say The Acclaimed have been a revelation in 2022 is an understatement. From an enjoyable if lightweight novelty act, they’ve gone on to become an organic sensation. They move truckloads of merch, routinely illicit the biggest pops, and have made Billy Gunn a cult icon on the way to nabbing the tag titles.

Their coronation as champs was beautiful - but they don’t really need it. Champs or no, anything they touch turns to gold. They’d be fantastic stepping stones to make heelish megastars out of Pac and Penta, and the two teams could bring the best out of each other.

The Acclaimed’s ring work has come on leaps and bounds this year. Their bout with FTR was great; Pac and Penta pose a totally different challenge that could bring the house down, and help keep the momentum on two of AEW’s most convincing workers.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)