10 Amazing Contributions Scott Hall Made To Professional Wrestling

8. Pitching “The Crow” To Sting

Razor Ramon Intercontinental Champion

During an interview with former boss Eric Bischoff on his 83 Weeks podcast, Scott Hall revealed how he pitched ‘The Crow’ gimmick to Sting back in 1996:

“[Sting is] putting his makeup on, and I said, ‘You’re growing your hair out, huh?’ He goes, ‘Yeah.’ I said, ‘I guess frying it all those years is hard on you.’ He goes, ‘Yeah, it was really starting to damage it.’ I said, ‘That’s cool, but are you still going to wear the happy guy tights?’ He goes, ‘Yeah.’ I said, ‘Have you ever seen The Crow?’ He goes ‘no’, and I said it’s this dark character with the white face paint and the dark lines. I said, ‘I ain’t telling you to rip off ‘Taker... but rip off ‘Taker.’ Different territory, it’s not quite as bad. The way I heard it, he ran it by [Bischoff], they went yes, and we’re off to the races.”

Little could Hall have known this friendly tip would inspire the development of one of the greatest character evolutions in all of professional wrestling.


Found a copy of Mick Foley’s ‘Have a Nice Day’ at a library when I was a kid, and, well, here we are. You can find all of my work, short stories, and info on my upcoming novel, The Devil Eats Grits, by going to www.scclosson.com!