10 Amazing Contributions Scott Hall Made To Professional Wrestling

7. Crediting A Perfect Tutor

Razor Ramon Intercontinental Champion

When it came to learning the ropes, Scott Hall credited the legendary Curt Henning as one of the biggest influences of his career.

One of the best workers in the industry, Henning would help Hall learn the importance of selflessness between the ropes. Hall was never one to shy away from how big of an impact the late ‘Mr. Perfect’ had on him in interviews:

“Curt influenced a lot of guys – Shawn Michaels, me, [1-2-3] Kid – about the way to do business. Like, if you’re to going to put a guy over, man, you put him OVER – if a guy is good enough to beat you, man, you make him look like ten million dollars. Curt was the first guy to take bumps and get a [crowd] reaction from them.”

During those formative years, Hall also picked up on the keen tag-team psychology that would eventually help him to capture the WCW Tag-Team Championships a whopping seven times.

“He’d always feature me in matches – he always started the match, then he’d go to tag me, and he’d go [to the crowd] ‘YOU WANT ME TO TAG THE BIG MAN?’ You always feature the big man. That’s what Curt taught me.”

Found a copy of Mick Foley’s ‘Have a Nice Day’ at a library when I was a kid, and, well, here we are. You can find all of my work, short stories, and info on my upcoming novel, The Devil Eats Grits, by going to www.scclosson.com!