10 Amazing Contributions Scott Hall Made To Professional Wrestling

6. Oozing Machismo

Razor Ramon Intercontinental Champion

There are few wrestlers who embodied ‘cool’ as much as Razor Ramon.

The Scarface-inspired character oozed with machismo with carefully crafted mannerisms and a swagger that just wouldn’t quit. In an era filled with larger-than-life characters, there weren’t many who loomed as large as Razor.

However, Hall almost ended up as a different character altogether. Vince McMahon’s initial intentions when hiring Hall in 1992 were to bring him in as a ‘GI Joe’ type character, a plan put together based on Hall’s own childhood as an army brat. Hall would go on to recount the formative exchange in numerous interviews:

“I told him, ‘Vince, if you want me to be a G.I. Joe, I’ll be the best damn G.I. Joe I can be, but have you ever seen Scarface? Say Hello… to the Bad Guy.’”

While McMahon was unfamiliar with the film, he quickly fell in love with Hall’s ‘Tony Montana’ impression, so much so that he would go on to personally direct the iconic vignettes that would have audiences saying hello to “The Bad Guy”.


Found a copy of Mick Foley’s ‘Have a Nice Day’ at a library when I was a kid, and, well, here we are. You can find all of my work, short stories, and info on my upcoming novel, The Devil Eats Grits, by going to www.scclosson.com!