10 Amazing Contributions Scott Hall Made To Professional Wrestling

3. Killing Kayfabe

Razor Ramon Intercontinental Champion

19 May 1996 is a date which will live in wrestling infamy.

On their final night in the WWF before jumping ship to World Championship Wrestling, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash would be a part of the infamous ‘curtain call’ incident at Madison Square Garden.

While the scandalous event may seem somewhat trivial today, the incident had wide-ranging repercussions for the entire industry.

Following the conclusion of their steel cage match, Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash would be joined in the ring by Scott Hall and Triple H, and the four men would share an embrace before raising each other’s arms in a monumental sendoff that would turn out to be the final nail in kayfabe’s coffin.

Footage smuggled out of the event would force Vince McMahon to acknowledge that wrestling matches were pre-determined in an address to the audience which would launch the Attitude Era, one of the hottest periods in wrestling history.


Found a copy of Mick Foley’s ‘Have a Nice Day’ at a library when I was a kid, and, well, here we are. You can find all of my work, short stories, and info on my upcoming novel, The Devil Eats Grits, by going to www.scclosson.com!