10 Amazing Experiences I Had During WWE's SummerSlam Weekend

9. The NXT Panel

 The NXT panel consisted of Triple H, Finn Balor, Seth Rollins, Sasha Banks, Kevin Owens, Corey Graves, and moderator Bryan Saxton. After managing to pick up a VIP ticket on StubHub, I was sat front row, and the whole thing was tremendous fun. It wasn't hard to see that they all get on great, though it's clear that Triple H shares a fair bit of chemistry with both Seth and Sasha. Any number of topics were touched on during this talk, with some heart-warming stories about Dusty Rhodes a definite highlight. Balor talked about getting driving lessons from The American Dream, and how the legend had at one point pitched the idea to flip the car over in a field, set it alight, and send it to The Game to fool him into thinking Balor and Hideo Itami had crashed. Triple H meanwhile got tearful at one point talking about Dusty in a genuinely emotional moment. Other highlights included Seth passionately talking about the Divas Revolution with Sasha, and just the general love of the business from all those in attendance. If you ever get the chance to attend one of these, make it a priority, because it was an incredible experience. As a bonus for spending a week's wages on a VIP ticket, I nabbed a signed poster featuring everyone on the panel, and a photo with them all too. Having a huge star like Triple H put his arm around you is one hell of a unique experience, and while I didn't get chance to say more than a quick thank you, it was still great.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.