10 Amazing Wrestling Villains Hidden In Plain Sight

9. Sting Somehow Doesn't Realise The Nature Boy's Knife Is On Its Way

MJF Cody
WWE Network

When you go by the name of the 'Dirtiest Player in the Game', expecting anything other than a knife to the back at some point down the road would be foolish.

But when WCW's 'Icon' Sting went out of his way to note how he felt the star was finally on the straight and narrow heading into Halloween Havoc 1995, even those who were initially screaming at that silly 'Stinger' for daring to trust Flair were given a reason to believe in the 'Nature Boy'.

Flair had been jumped by Arn Anderson on the first-ever Nitro. And when both Arn and Brian Pillman once again attacked 'Naytch' on the night of the PPV, fans were led to believe that Flair would simply have no reason to turn his back on the partner helping him fight off those heels in their scheduled match.

In the end, though, this was all an elaborate scheme designed to catch Sting off-guard at the event. Flair eventually returned to help his apparent pal, only to swiftly beat the hell out of him after making the hot tag.

Folks had refused to trust the despicable Flair for weeks before the two eventually agreed to tag at Halloween Havoc. And it was right when fans were fooled into thinking this leopard could change his spots that the reunited Horsemen's plot finally brought down an 'Icon'.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...