10 Attitude Era Feuds Bret Hart Missed Out On

3. Chris Jericho

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weKJFySYgac Chris Jericho is another man on this list to have trained in Stu Hart's legendary Dungeon facility. He also wrestled in the Hart Brothers' Wrestling School, founded by Bret's eldest brother, Smith, putting him closer to Bret's family than most men in the WWE. Any time that Y2J and Hart have come face-to-face, both in kayfabe and out of it, this back-story has been referenced to some degree, and the two men clearly have a mutual respect for each other. Jericho is also another man to have never been utilised in WCW, missing out on a match with Hart while he was there in the late '90s. It was only his move to the WWE that saw him get a push to main event level. For over a decade, he's been the guy that the WWE have put their up-and-coming superstars with, because when Jericho's involved, the match will always be great. He could pull the same result out of an aging legend as well, much in the same way that his bouts with Shawn Michaels in 2003 and 2008 were highlights of the 'Ruthless Aggression' era.
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