10 Attitude Era Feuds Bret Hart Missed Out On

9. Eddie Guerrero

Eddie Guerrero was scheduled to wrestle Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 22. The match would've told the compelling story of two men, famed for their long, distinguished careers and troubled pasts, fighting it out having since found God in their lives. It had the makings of a classic. Both men were of similar styles, build, and technique. As we all know, Eddie tragically passed away, and the match became just a fantasy. Now think about why Michaels and Bret Hart were so compatible. Their styles were similar, they were adored in their respective homelands, and their established careers spoke for themselves. Substitute Michaels for Guerrero, and you have the potential for a really incredible event from two incredibly gifted superstars. The pair never really worked with each other in WCW while they were both on the payroll there, and neither man worked for the WWE at the same time as the other. Bret allegedly can't even remember if he worked with Eddie at all, although Latino Heat seems like the type of competitor that you never forget working with. The truth is, Eddie Guerrero was another underutilized performer under the regime of Eric Bischoff, and it was no surprise when he, Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit, and Perry Saturn collectively jumped ship to WWE. Unfortunately, this wasn't long after Bret Hart had made the journey in the opposite direction, making this potential encounter the victim of some horrendously bad timing. The money that a feud like this could've made is unreal; two wrestlers as talented as Guerrero and Hart are hard to come by, and even harder to get to face off against one another. Their all-round skill and ability puts them high up on anyone's list of all-time greats. They were even inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in the same year; Hart in one of his first appearances on WWE programming since the Montreal Screwjob, and Guerrero in a posthumous induction following his passing.
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