10 Attitude Era WWE Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

1. Babu

Brakkus WWE

Or, Abu.

That was Babu's original name when he started appearing in Tiger Ali Singh's corner come August 1998. There was no real reason for the change. WWF announcers just added the 'B' quietly and moved on. It didn't matter much to fans either way, 'cause Babu was hardly one of the most engaging characters on TV to begin with.

He'd actually wrestled quite extensively for Paul Heyman's ECW promotion before signing with the WWF, but Babu found in-ring opportunities more limited under Vince McMahon. Initially, Babu worked as part of the Light Heavyweight division (as Pablo Marquez) before linking up with Singh.

Babu then wrestled just two matches on 'B' and 'C' tier programming like Sunday Night Heat and Shotgun before his run ended for good. Creative elected not to draft up something new for him once they'd lost interest in Tiger, so a lot of fans might have forgotten about Babu completely.

Which other forgotten WWE Attitude Era names deserve to be here? For more wrestling, check out 10 Most DANGEROUS Wrestlers Ever and 10 Forgotten Finishers Wrestlers Suddenly ABANDONED

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.