10 Attitude Era WWE Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

9. Just Joe

Brakkus WWE

There was something oddly captivating about Just Joe's gimmick.

The WWF didn't really have anyone like Joe when he started hanging around locker rooms and popping up during various backstage segments in late-2000. Other members of the roster looked totally baffled when he'd stick out a hand and introduce himself, or randomly interrupt promos to snitch on others. It was a fun idea, if nothing else.

Indy star Joe E. Legend assumed the role, but he wasn't long for The Fed at all. In fact, it appeared creative was bored of Just Joe mere weeks after his debut. So, annoyingly, the writers ignored him rather than exploring why somebody fancied being such a nuisance by stirring the pot.

Joe's contract was ripped up in March 2001 right before the WCW invasion kicked off, and he became the answer to a WWE trivia question more than a memorable act. That's a pity, because someone causing trouble behind the scenes could've been fun and helped trigger all manner of different scenarios.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.