10 Awesome Matches On Awful WWE Shows

7. Randy Orton Vs Christian (Over The Limit 2011)

Steve Austin, Bret Hart

Randy Orton and Christian's 2011 series was a highlight in a particularly woeful year for WWE, with Over The Limit displaying how out of ideas the company seemed to be at that point. Orton in particular had not looked as good inside the ring since Mick Foley and The Undertaker helped mint him as a star over half a decade prior.

Christian was finally able to win a non-ECW World Championship within WWE after the sad retirement of his best friend and former tag team partner Edge, but Randy Orton was also immensely popular at the time. This paired the two together for a string of matches that would help put 'Captain Charisma' into the conversation amongst the best in-ring workers on the planet.

Their match at Over The Limit may have been the best of the bunch, with Orton retaining the title in dramatic fashion after a fantastic showing filled with some excellent counter-focused wrestling. There was absolutely nothing else to write home about on the show, which featured John Cena, Kane, Big Show, and a match between Jerry 'The King' Lawler and Michael Cole to provide a bit of nonsense.


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