10 Awesome Moments From The WWE Invasion

7. Test's Sustained Push

Steve Austin WCW ECW Alliance

One of the most under-utilised stars in the company at the time, Test had never been given much to work with. Saddled with the hideous T&A (sexy!) gimmick, and then later with his 'Testicles' (even sexier!), his most prominent role in his career to that point was being cucked by Triple H himself. (The sexiest!)

The guy had a killer look, was handsome as hell and the Big Boot being one of the most devastating finishers in the company is a hill that this writer is willing to die on.

As Shane McMahon led his WCW ragamuffins into battle with WWE, resident tough guys, the APA, accused Test of being the supposed mole within the company. Cleverly playing on his previous affiliation with Shane, Test pleaded his innocence but took a beating all the same. Feeling betrayed, Test turned on the APA, cost them the tag titles and aligned with Shane.

Thus started Test's best run in the company, where he racked up big victories over the likes Kane, and won the Intercontinental Title as well as both the WWE and WCW tag belts with Booker T. After losing a unification match with Edge at Survivor Series, Test entered the Immunity Battle Royal and won, but sadly, the storyline was dropped pretty swiftly.

Andrew Martin, the man behind the Test gimmick, sadly passed away in 2009 at the young age of 33 due to an accidental overdose of pain medication. A horrendous loss and one that the wrestling world still mourns.

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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!