10 Awesome Tag Teams WWE Completely Ruined

6. The Steiner Brothers

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When Scott claimed he and brother Rick were the "best brother tag-team in the world" during a backstage promo at the 1993 Royal Rumble, he wasn't kidding. In the NWA/WCW, The Steiners had been a constant riot regardless of who they shared the ring with. The WWF didn't quite get how to promote them effectively.

So bad was their run in the WWF between 1992-94 that Scott even admitted during a live spoken word tour in 2016 that he was starting to hate going to work. The Steiners were miserable in the McMahon empire, and much of that had to do with how they were being booked. After a red-hot start to their WWF careers, Scott and Rick tailed off, becoming just another team.

As anyone who followed their work in Atlanta will tell you, The Steiner Brothers were more than a mid-card tag-team. It speaks volumes of how poorly things were going in the WWF that neither sibling could wait to get the hell out of the company and wrestle for fun again.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.