10 Awesome Tag Teams WWE Completely Ruined

2. The Rhodes Brothers

Goldust Cody Rhodes Brotherhood

During the intro to this piece, it was said that turning Cody Rhodes into a pale imitation of his brother's famous Goldust gimmick was not a smart creative decision. As Stardust, Cody looked more than a little awkward considering the recent history between both siblings. This was awful stuff.

Look back to see The Rhodes Brothers battle The Authority in 2013 for evidence of how good Cody could be when taken seriously. With his brother and legendary father Dusty by his side, Cody looked like he was finally going to crack the main event ceiling. His promos were passionate, his in-ring work good and his storyline strong. Then, they put the make up on him.

In mid-2014, Cody told Goldust he had the perfect partner for him. That turned out to be Stardust, and the entire wrestling world collectively groaned. Again, as a short-term idea, Stardust may have worked, but it just dragged on and on.

Even Cody himself grew tired of the character and wanted out of WWE by 2016. That's just two years after he had been tearing it up alongside his brother in the tag division.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.