10 Beloved Wrestlers With One AWFUL Gimmick

7. Jon Moxley (Gas Mask-Wearing Germ Hater)

Kevin Owens new face of America

And in another case of something entirely terrible ultimately leading to one of the greatest change-ups in wrestling history, Jon Moxley's time as WWE's resident germaphobe in 2018 acted as the last straw for the former WWE Champion.

In the wake of turning heel on his one-time Shield brother Seth Rollins, a then-Dean Ambrose became hilariously obsessed with ridding himself of the illness that was 'The Architect.' He also went to some pretty bizarre lengths to keep himself from catching various diseases from those watching on, cosplaying as Bane and sticking needles in his ass as he mocked dirty towns all over the states.

And fans weren't the only ones left scratching their heads at this perplexing new direction for 'The Lunatic Fringe' as Mox himself would ultimately confess that his rabies shot promo in particular was the moment that made him realise he needed to leave the world of sports entertainment behind for good.

A few months down the road, and one last Shield reunion later, the days of Ambrose were finally over. What came next was a rejuvenated Jon Moxley hellbent on showing the world what he was truly capable of inside of a wrestling ring. And the cherished 'Purveyor of Violence' hasn't looked back ever since.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...