10 Beloved Wrestlers With One AWFUL Gimmick

5. Batista (Deacon Batista)

Kevin Owens new face of America

It's safe to say Dave Bautista will ultimately go down in history as one of the most celebrated babyfaces of the Ruthless Aggression Era.

There was a time there, though, when it looked like the chances of big Dave going on to become a future World Heavyweight Champion were somewhat slim on the back of a rather lame initial spell as a WWE star.

Acting as Reverend D-Von's enforcer/collection box carrier, this sleeveless-suited oddball regularly wandered around the ring with a stern look on his mug before using said precious weapon/jewellery to help his boss get the job done.

It was undeniably dumb. And the eventual Guardian of the Galaxy himself would even go on to admit (via Fightful) that he "hated" his first main roster character, criticising the suit, box, and general nature of the gimmick.

Getting to work alongside the Dudley Boy definitely helped give the up-and-comer a taste of what life on the likes of SmackDown and Raw would be like for the OVW graduate, though. And despite often wondering whether this dreadful Deacon schtick would result in him being fired, Batista still found a way to grow into one of the biggest and most popular stars in the company just a few years on from this weird arrival.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...