10 Beloved Wrestlers With One AWFUL Gimmick

3. Edge (Judgment Day Leader)

Kevin Owens new face of America

Who in their right mind honestly wanted to detest the bloke who'd somehow managed to return from a career-ending injury, only to have his long-awaited comeback be somewhat blighted by a global pandemic and more injuries?

So, the likes of Edge and the rest of the eventual Judgment Day were facing an uphill battle from the get-go.

After viciously attacking AJ Styles and recruiting Damian Priest to help him take down the 'Phenomenal' star at WrestleMania 38, 'The Rated "R" Superstar' fully embraced the darkness. Hokey purple lighting, spooky thrones, and rambling promos about Mountains of Omnipotence became the jarring new normal.

And even the Hall of Famer himself would eventually admit that he was struggling to fully convince folks that he was genuinely worthy of your hatred.

The failed experiment was eventually brought to a crushing end in the wake of Finn Balor's arrival into the faction and The Judgment Day would then go from strength to strength as a comically villainous unit in the time post-throne room b*llocks.

Edge has since returned to being the grizzled veteran fans are still only too happy to cheer whenever Alter Bridge bursts through the speakers. And hopefully it stays that way until he decides to call time on a hell of a career.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...