10 Best Brock Lesnar Feuds Since His 2012 Return

6. Samoa Joe (2017)

Brock Lesnar Laughing

Though it wasn’t based on the lengthiest of backstories, Lesnar’s feud with Samoa Joe did have something that others were lacking in the form of Joe’s credibility.

While Strowman’s legitimacy was based on his size, Joe’s was based on his style. As a bruising, 282-pound submission machine, Joe’s one of very few guys in the company who looks like a genuine threat to Lesnar, which added something of a fresh dynamic to the mix. And Joe proved that legitimacy on the 26 June Raw when he locked Lesnar in the Coquina Clutch and had the big man turning a lovely shade of purple.

The pair also brawled in an awesome pull-apart a fortnight earlier on the 12 June Raw, as their smash-mouth rivalry helped breathe some life into WWE programming during those often-pedestrian post-WrestleMania months.

In terms of their actual match at Great Balls of Fire, another cracking brawl before the bell had even rung made up for the match only going six-and-a-half minutes. Plus, it then helped set up that belter of a four-way at SummerSlam, where their feud concluded on a high note—unlike the aforementioned programme with Strowman.

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Brock Lesnar
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