10 Best Brock Lesnar Feuds Since His 2012 Return

5. CM Punk (2013)

Brock Lesnar Laughing

In mid-2013, the tension between CM Punk and his buddy Paul Heyman led to a certain client being inserted into the mix.

On the 17 June showing of Raw, after Punk had amicably told Heyman, “I don't need your help,” Lesnar coincidentally showed up to beat down Punk following a win over Alberto Del Rio. Heyman would initially deny being behind the attack, though he later showed his true colours when he cost Punk victory in the Money in the Bank ladder match.

The following evening saw matters come to a head, and after another, more brutal, attack from Lesnar, Punk laid out a challenge for SummerSlam. Punk vs. Lesnar. The Best vs. the Beast. Which, corny as it was, did have a pretty cool ring to it.

Between the backstory, the promos, and the numerous brawls, their feud proved worthy of headlining any show—so it was fitting that their eventual match ended up being one of the best in WWE that year.

One of very few negatives to this one is that it ended up being a one-and-done deal, and so it’s arguably too brief to be considered an absolute all-time classic.

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Brock Lesnar
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