10 Best Catchphrases In Wrestling Today

6. "Excuse Me"

Hangman Page Cowboy Shit

Despite being a detestable character on-screen, Vickie Guerrero is thankfully embraced by the wrestling community for her commitment to the business and her willingness to throw herself into any booking decision with all her heart. She should be respected for the aggravating heel character she has developed. Becoming a heel when you are the widow of one of the most beloved and influential wrestlers in the sport's history is no easy feat.

"Excuse Me" is professional wrestlings own version of the classic cringe provoking nails on a chalkboard sound. It was so effective it was proceeded her entrance, priming fans for the scheming and meddling that was coming. Vickie's catchphrase is not impactful because of the words or turn of phrase, which sound perfectly pleasant and cordial , but rather in her screeching and stretched out delivery; so shrill even those performing require little motivation to wince in pain and fear for their ears.

It is a great shame that we didn't get the chance to see Vickie the power-mad heel interacting with her late husband's appetites for the "Lie, Cheat, and Steal" lifestyle.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.