10 Best Catchphrases In Wrestling Today

5. "Acknowledge Me"

Hangman Page Cowboy Shit

Like his cousin The Rock before him, Roman Reigns had a struggle to win over fans until being allowed to unleash a dominant heel streak. Roman never experienced "Die Rocky Die" levels of live fan backlash, but had social media to contend with.

Reigns has gone from a bland babyface who was maligned by the fanbase to 'The Tribal Chief,' a take-no-prisoners dominator. WWE's recent quality is open to debate, but most can agree (or at least begrudgingly concede) that Roman Reigns is one of the promotion's shining stars.

"Acknowledge Me" is simple, strong, and straight to the point - in this sense it embodies 'The Tribal Chief' gimmick. Having Paul Heyman, a world class talker, by his side enables Roman to be selective with his words, discerning with his character work, and efficient with his promo time. A man hasn't dominated the wrestling industry with brute strength and two words since Goldberg was plowing through the WCW locker room.

Reigns new found catchphrase and promo finesse is almost enough to make fans forget the infamous "Suffering Succotash" promo of 2015 (a quote borrowed from ineffectual cartoon hunter Sylvester the Cat) but not quite...

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.