10 Best Catchphrases In Wrestling Today

4. "I'm Better Than You, And You Know It"

Hangman Page Cowboy Shit

One of AEW's greatest successes is bringing MJF to the attention of the wider wrestling world, allowing him to blossom into one of the strongest characters in pro-wrestling. And for his part, he never lets the heel work drop; a rarity among today's competitors in the age of social media. He even referred to his own mother as "a dumb disgusting sl*t" and his father "an old irrelevant piece of sh*t."

MJF harks back to a classic heel; equal parts coward and opportunist, as brutal with a microphone as any wrestling hold. He appeals to, and has finely honed, the "love to hate" archetype. It may be a gimmick path well trodden, but MJF has invigorated it with god-tier persona character with a new spark of life turning the figurative dirt path into a Yellow Brick Road that threatens to turn gold at any minute.

"I'm Better Than You, And You Know It" is the perfect summary of MJF and his relationship with the fandom. His work is so on point that fans can't help but be pulled in by the upstart heel no matter how much he insults them, the people, and things that they love.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.