10 Best Catchphrases In Wrestling Today

3. "Bay-Bay"

Hangman Page Cowboy Shit

Adam Cole is perhaps the greatest victim of the shift from NXT to NXT 2.0. Though Cole allowed his WWE contract to expire, what the company had planned for him must have been a push with some force.

While plans would see the longest reigning NXT Champion finally debut on the main roster, it would not be in a fulfilling role that made the best use of his talents. Cole would be used as a heel manager to Keith Lee and also would get a new ring name as creative didn't trust their audience to be able to handle Adam Cole and Michael Cole without inflicting anguished confusion.

When Cole signed with AEW, he stayed true to himself bringing with him his skill, charisma, and catchphrase. "Bay-Bay" is a catchphrase as catchy as it is obnoxious. The novel and fun to shout phrase that has become a part of professional wrestling lexicon. Fit for a heel to use to mock and belittle their opponent or a face to use to show their fearlessness, the phrase will continue to stay with Cole as it did during the jump between WWE and AEW. Both companies have made serious money from "Bay-Bay" merch.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.