10 Best Catchphrases In Wrestling Today

2. "Very Nice, Very Evil"

Hangman Page Cowboy Shit

Danhausen is one of the most unique figures in the weird world of pro-wrestling, attaining a cult status among the fandom. Equal parts Count Dracula and Renfield, Danhausen cuts a bizarre figure with faceprint that gives the impression of a mime sent to burn in hell for stealing someone's imaginary girlfriend.

Danhausen describes his gimmick as "Conan O’Brien got possessed by a demon," and also cites Mark Hamill's animated Joker and The Simpsons as inspiration. Yet, he has managed to turn his pop culture appreciation and literacy into something innovative. While he is known for referring to himself in the third person and adding the suffix "-hausen" to random words, it is his "Very Nice, Very Evil" that has prove endlessly quotable in the fanbase. The nonsensical duality and delivery of the phrase is a further hook keeping Danhausen lingering in the mind of fans.

Danhausen is unlike any figure we have seen in pro-wrestling. However he also has the drive to bring his character to the mainstream with outside creative products, while being clear he doesn't intend to leave wrestling but rather attract more people to it.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.