10 Best CM Punk WWE Moments

6. Happy Birthday Aalyah

CM Punk Paul Heyman

It is almost impossible to watch this segment without having a chill run down your spine.

In March 2010, Rey Mysterio led his family to the ring including his wife Angie, a fresh faced, teenage Dominic and his 9 year old daughter, Aaliyah, the occasion being Aaliyah's 9th birthday! In what began as a wholesome celebration of a young girl, soon spiralled into one of the creepiest moments in WWE's recent history. Unfortunately for Mysterio, he was feuding with CM Punk at the time, plus, it was WrestleMania season. Punk and his Straight Edge Society interrupted the celebration and confronted a clearly terrified Mysterio, trying to shield his family.

Punk proceeded to slowly sing happy birthday to Aaliyah, bringing the little girl to tears, resulting in some of the loudest boos you'll ever hear in a WWE arena. The 'Straight Edged Saviour' as he called himself at the time, then challenged Mysterio to a match at WrestleMania 26, warning Rey's family to cover their eyes and block their ears, to prevent them from witnessing the merciless beat down of their father. Punk continually tried to bait Mysterio into a fight in front of his loved ones, even going so far as to slap him in the face as he screamed "Coward!".

With no other choice, Mysterio retreated and as a final cherry on top, Punk once more sung to little Aaliyah, making the rivalry all the more personal heading into the show of shows.

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CM Punk
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Just an Australian wrestling fan who grew up admiring the sport that we all know and love. All round wrestling fanatic, wouldn’t mind if you just sat down and listened to his humble opinions on the wrestling world.