10 Best CM Punk WWE Moments

5. Royal Rumble Sermon

CM Punk Paul Heyman

Entering at number 3 in the 2010 Royal Rumble, Punk was on a mission. Clearing the ring immediately, before grabbing a microphone and began preaching his Straight Edge ways to the crowd.

The first 10 minutes of this Rumble was all Punk's. As one man came in, out he quickly went, or she, in the case of Beth Phoenix, who became the 3rd woman to enter the 30 Man Rumble. As he awaited the next entrance, Punk continued his preaching, in what made for delightfully entertaining promos. The peak of this Rumble hijacking came in the form of Zack Ryder. Punk cleverly tried to recruit Ryder into the Straight Edge Society, playing on the star's insecurities and just when it appeared Ryder was interested, he was clocked on the head with the mic and tossed out.

If you haven't watched the 2010 edition of the Rumble, please do. This is Punk at his absolute best, at the very peak of his run as the lord and saviour of the SES. Of course, this match was mostly remembered for the Shawn Michael's storyline and the shock return of Edge. But tucked away, right at the beginning, is an absolute masterclass by Punk, that will forever remain one of his greatest moments.

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CM Punk
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Just an Australian wrestling fan who grew up admiring the sport that we all know and love. All round wrestling fanatic, wouldn’t mind if you just sat down and listened to his humble opinions on the wrestling world.