10 Best CM Punk WWE Moments

4. Raw 1000 Heel Turn

CM Punk Paul Heyman

He said it best himself "There are good guys and there are bad guys in this world and make no mistake about it, I am a bad bad man." And this heel turn reminded us all why CM Punk is one of the best heels in the business.

Few fans can forget the visual of Punk hitting The Rock with a clothesline out of nowhere, leaving him writhing on the floor. The world was shocked as Punk smiled gleefully while mocking Rock's taunt, then hitting a Go To Sleep on the megastar for good measure. Raw's 1000th episode faded to black with the visual of a defiant Punk standing over the motionless body of the 'People's Champ'.

It is quite rare for a WWE Champion to turn heel during their title reign, Randy Savage during the Mega Powers feud in the 80's is one of few other instances. However, Punk played it perfectly. At just over the halfway point of his storied 434-day reign with the belt, Punk went from the most beloved face in the company, to the most despised heel in the space of 5 minutes.

While it can be argued that The Rock was not the right person to take the belt off Punk, the rivalry that followed this great moment was white hot and produced 2 fantastic matches between the pair.

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CM Punk
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Just an Australian wrestling fan who grew up admiring the sport that we all know and love. All round wrestling fanatic, wouldn’t mind if you just sat down and listened to his humble opinions on the wrestling world.