10 Best CM Punk WWE Moments

3. Straight Edge Society: Serena's Salvation

CM Punk Paul Heyman

Before this moment, the Straight Edge Society was a great act, but the night Serena joined the group, the act became iconic.

In late 2009, Punk formed his team with Luke Gallows by 'saving' the former mentally challenged Festus, helping him see the light and reject all substances, transforming him into a dominating brute. Growing out his hair and beard in an allusion to Jesus, Punk indeed acted as tho he was the son of god, washing away his follower's sins if they accepted him as their saviour. In what most likely inspired Seth Rollins' current messiah gimmick, Punk played the character to perfection. I mean if you have fans screaming "You're the devil!" in your face, you must be doing something right.

2 weeks before the Royal Rumble, Serena, an admirer of Punk's, jumped the barricade and pleaded to be initiated into the society. Punk obliged and proceeded to shave the woman's head, absolving her of her sins. From this point on, the story was told purely by the facial expressions of both Punk and Serena. Matt Striker, on commentary, put it perfectly "It appears CM Punk has found his Mary Magdalene." Serena's face filled with ecstasy with every strand of hair that fell to the canvas, while the stare in Punk's eyes was so intense that you just had to look away.

Brilliantly acted and entertaining throughout, this moment will go down as the true formation of the SES. Take notes Seth, THIS is how you play the biblical saviour character.

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Just an Australian wrestling fan who grew up admiring the sport that we all know and love. All round wrestling fanatic, wouldn’t mind if you just sat down and listened to his humble opinions on the wrestling world.