10 Best Father & Son Team-Ups In Wrestling

7. Ric Flair & David Flair

The Rock Rocky Johnson Rocky Maivia
WWE Network

When reflecting back on when things truly became beyond repair for WCW, the days when Vince Russo became an on-screen character are a major red flag. And similarly, David Flair becoming a regular part of WCW programming is another indicator that Ted Turner's promotion was on the cusp of entering its endgame.

There were far bigger reasons for WCW's decline than David Flair, of course, and it wasn't David's fault that he was put in the position that he was in. That doesn't mean that it made for anything close to engaging TV, mind - in particular, how the relationship between the characters of Ric and David was depicted.

As a 20-year-old teaming with his old man to face Curt Hennig and Barry Windham, David's debut at January 1999's Souled Out was fine for what it was. WCW being WCW, though, and David would turn on his father only a month later, screwing the Nature Boy out of the WCW World Championship and joining nWo Elite.

A reconciliation between the Flairs would follow a few months down the line, David would then go insane, stalk DDP's wife Kimberly, again turn on his father and even help Russo to shave Ric's hair off. Oh, and David would wrestle Buff Bagwell to get Buff Daddy's DNA as part of a whodunit pregnancy angle involving Stacy Keibler.

To WWE's credit, they did exploit this father and son dynamic brilliantly in 2002, with the Undertaking laying a sinister beatdown on David Flair as a way to convince Ric to face the Deadman at WrestleMania X8.

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Senior Writer

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