10 Best Hulk Hogan Matches Ever

7. Vs. Big Boss Man (Saturday Night's Main Event, 5/27/89)

Hulk Hogan Tearing His Shirt Off
WWE Network

There seemed to be no better ideal opponent for Hogan than Ray Traylor. Hulk loved to work with super-heavyweights, and he would share the ring with a fair number of behemoths over the years. But none were as agile and spring-loaded as the Boss Man, who tipped the scales at 350 pounds, yet could move like a cruiserweight.

Hogan's first high-profile title defense during his second World title reign was against the nefarious prison guard on national TV, inside of the classic blue bar steel cage. If you've seen the match, you know the biggest spot: Hogan prevents Boss Man's escape, pulls him up to the cage's apex, and then superplexes him down to the canvas. That's more than 600 pounds of humanity falling from a considerable height.

There's something enjoyable about the way that Boss Man augmented Hogan's style, and matches like this make it clear just how made for each other they were. The superplex was merely the centerpiece of a hard-hitting brawl between two men that deliver best in just such a fray.

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Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.