10 Best Image Changes In ECW History

1. Raven

Johnny Polo Raven.jpg

There's a reason Scott Levy never played a character other than Raven from 1994 onwards. Even in WCW and the WWF/WWE, he used the sociopathic persona permanently. It all started after his first departure from the WWF in '94, after which Paul Heyman allowed Levy to get creative.

Coming up with the Raven concept, the new character was a depressed, grunge rock inspired mess who harboured nihilistic views. An elaborate backstory was created, explaining that Raven had rejected his upbringing and parents. This was as far from the brash Johnny Polo guise Levy had played in the WWF as you could get.

Feuding with Tommy Dreamer extensively, Raven became synonymous with the ECW brand. By far, he was the promotion's most well-realised character, still one people are keen to talk about today.

As a manager in the WWF, Johnny Polo had limits. As Raven in ECW, those boundaries were completely shattered. Free to come up with whatever outlandish scenarios he wished, Raven was a masterstroke in character evolution.

What other image changes in ECW do you consider the best? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!

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Raven ECW
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