10 Best Image Changes In ECW History

4. Tommy Dreamer

Johnny Polo Raven.jpg

Even Tommy Dreamer himself would admit that hardcore ECW fans didn't like him at first. To anyone who knows precious little about the promotion's history, that may come as a surprise. After all, Dreamer is often cited as one of the most vital names in the original group's folklore.

Whilst true, it was a while before Tommy was accepted by the bloodthirsty mob who attended ECW events on a regular basis. Clean-shaven and looking like he would be more comfortable on the beach getting a tan, Dreamer also wore garish colours like neon pink and luminous green.

Booing the heck out of the young man, ECW fans had no reason to cheer Tommy. It wasn't until after receiving a thorough beating at the hands of The Sandman (armed with a Singapore Cane) in the mid-1990's that Dreamer finally gained traction.

Following that up with a storied rivalry opposite Raven really helped Tommy fit in. Re-skinned with a goatee and tweaked into his 'Innovator Of Violence' character, Dreamer eventually became a firm favourite. That just wouldn't have happened had he not changed image.

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