10 Best Image Changes In ECW History

3. Shane Douglas

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Much like Al Snow, Shane Douglas had a torrid time in the WWF throughout 1995. For the second half of that year, Shane played the role of Dean Douglas, a smug college professor who revelled in grading his opponents. If anyone complains about heel gimmicks in 2017, show them this nonsense.

Never having a hope in hell of getting over properly, Douglas gave up and returned to ECW in January, 1996. As if by magic, he was able to recapture much of the same momentum that had made him a star in the first place before leaving to try his luck with the McMahon family.

As 'The Franchise', Douglas was always on fire in ECW. Cutting some of the best promos of his life, it was as though the terrible Dean character had never even happened. Douglas was much more at home in Extreme Championship Wrestling, that's for sure.

Not shoe-horned into an awkward gimmick, he was able to speak from the heart. Yet again, Paul Heyman understood his wrestlers better than anybody else.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.