10 Best Image Changes In WCW History

5. Booker T

Booker T suffered from a similar problem as Diamond Dallas Page when first starting out in WCW. Debuting with brother Stevie Ray as the Harlem Heat, the pair were saddled with an overly-cartoonish image, one which weakened their otherwise badass gimmick. Upon becoming a singles competitor in 1997, Booker simplified his style greatly, ditching the bright colours and instead wearing a simple pair of black trunks (often accompanied by a pair of matching gloves). The new style gave him a far more menacing air, but also worked with Booker as a babyface. Many of the Monday Night Wars' most beloved wrestlers wore a similar outfit to Booker (including Steve Austin and The Rock), and he was wise to adopt the minimalistic look just as it took off.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.