10 Best Image Changes In WCW History

3. Scott Steiner

Scott Steiner has become so synonymous with his most famous image that it's now strange to see him as anything other than the bleach-blond, chainmail-wearing meathead he enjoyed the majority of his success as. He actually looked very different as part of a tag team with brother Rick, coming to the ring in bright, garish clothing and a questionable mullet haircut. His 1998 heel turn led to a drastic change, which gave birth to the now-famous 'Big Poppa Pump' persona. Steiner's new image made him look like the ultimate heel, a brash, bulging bully with even more muscle mass than before. It's no real surprise his eventual WWE face run ended in failure; it's pretty hard to get behind a guy who looks like the ultimate bad guy.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.