10 Best Lucha Libre Wrestlers In The World Right Now

3. Sexy Star

Pentagon Jr Lucha Underground
Lucha Underground

There's a reason Sexy Star is the only female Lucha Libre star to grace this list: she deserves the spotlight all to herself. Already a big name in Mexico before joining Lucha Underground, Sexy Star exposed herself to a whole new world of possibilities by taking her work to a North American TV audience.

Since then, she has shown that inter-gender matches can be viable if promoted correctly. Refreshing to say the least, the fact that Sexy doesn't come across like a girl fighting with the boys to prove gender equality has struck a chord with viewers. Instead, she's there because she's one of the finest wrestlers on the roster.

In WWE, the whole idea of a 'female revolution' is trendy right now. Therefore, Sexy Star would be an ideal signing. It's a mouth-watering prospect to imagine the matches she could have against Charlotte Flair or Bayley in the promotion, not to mention what she could do against some of the guys too.

Rock hard abs and a daredevil presentation combine with world-class in-ring skills to make Sexy Star a fitting name.

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Pentagon Jr.
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