10 Best Matches From WWF vs WCW/ECW Invasion

1. The Rock vs Chris Jericho - No Mercy 2001

Everybody remembers the promo in the build-up to this match in which Y2J finally blows his cool-guy image and snaps ("No no no! I am not a joke!"), but it's easy to forget that the match itself was utterly fantastic. The chemistry shared by the two men as they destroyed one another over the WCW Championship was amazing, resulting in a match which features a huge number of highlights. They include stolen finishers, a rock bottom through the announce table, Jericho reversing the people's elbow (!!) into the walls, and a crowd unexpectedly behind the smaller star. The ending is a deliberately ambiguous one, which Stephanie McMahon running down to distract Jericho and failing, allowing Y2J to position her chair and slam Rocky into it for the win. Apparently it was his new finisher at the time, allegedly called the Breakdown, which has since been long forgotten. Rather than flagrantly hit Rock with the chair, Jericho's decision to use it indirectly maintained his tweener status. Rock's reaction after the bell was another fantastic piece of booking, handing his opponent the chair - thereby accepting defeat, but reminding him that it wasn't an entirely clean win. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xz5oko_the-rock-vs-chris-jericho-no-mercy-2001-wcw-championship_sport
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.