10 Best Matches From WWF vs WCW/ECW Invasion

3. Steve Austin vs Kurt Angle - Summerslam 2001

Yet another fantastic match from Summerslam 2001, one which would have probably topped this list were it not for its controversial DQ ending. Even before the Invasion rolled into Pittsburgh for Angle's eventual title win at Unforgiven, the fans were molten at the prospect of Stone Cold's reign of terror eventually coming to an end. The Rattlesnake brutalised the Olympian for a good portion of this match, tagging him with multiple stiff shots to the face. Both men were on absolutely top form here, creating an enthralling match which had the crowd guessing at every near fall. A particularly impressive sequence involved Austin digging deep into his past and clamping on the million dollar dream (his old finisher), only for Kurt to draw inspiration from Bret Hart and kick off the turnbuckle into a roll-up...only for Stone Cold to roll out of THAT and keep the hold locked in. Eventually Austin's desperation showed as he was unable to put Angle away, instead knocking out three referees to get himself disqualified. It was an incredibly frustrating ending, but one which admittedly made total sense from a character standpoint. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xlpbx_wwe-kurt-angle-vs-steve-austin-s-c_sport
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.