10 Best NXT TakeOver Spotfests

7. Fatal 4-Way Ladder Match For The NXT Tag Team Championships - NXT TakeOver XXV

war machine war games

The last of our ladder matches took place at the first "We Can't Think Of A Name For This Show So Just Name It After The Number" event in NXT's history - TakeOver: XXV.

The show that saw Adam Cole begin his record-setting NXT Championship reign also featured a ladder match for the vacant NXT Tag Team Championships.

The War Raiders (remember when they were called that?) had given up their titles to be "promoted" to the main roster. So, William Regal did what any sound-minded General Manager would do and put four of NXT's best tag teams in a ladder match for the vacant gold. The Forgotten Sons, Lorcan and Burch, The Street Profits, and The Undisputed Era were all vying for the gold and they left it all in the ring. Ladder matches always lead to spills and thrills, but this was on another level.

Highlights include Lorcan and Burch delivering a double German Suplex onto The Forgotten Sons who were trapped inside a ladder, Jaxson Ryker wrecking everything in sight, and the awesome closing spot where Montez Ford springboarded onto a ladder to snatch the belts at the last minute.

This match was guaranteed to be a success, but it went above and beyond our expectations.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.