10 Best NXT TakeOver Spotfests

6. Adam Cole Vs. Velveteen Dream In A Backlot Brawl - TakeOver: In Your House

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Take Over: In Your House made use of its lack of fans by booking Adam Cole to defend his NXT Championship against The Velveteen Dream in a cinematic-style"Backlot Brawl.

Images were immediately conjured of the classic Hollywood Backlot Brawl between Goldust and Roddy Piper at WrestleMania XII. Whilst we didn't get Adam Cole driving down the highway in a gold Cadillac, it was still a noteworthy match.

It took place in a ring in Full Sail's parking lot and the two combatants made their entrances in two special vehicles - Cole had a monster truck and Dream had his very own Lamborghini. This match was basically what happens when you go backstage in WWE 2K20, only without the glitches. Cole and Dream had plenty of misc-en-scene to play with and play with it they did.

The most notable spot of the match came when Dream and Cole were fighting atop a ladder. Cole thought he had the advantage when The Undisputed Era showed up, but The Dream got one over on the champ and pushed him off. Cole plummeted back down to Earth, shattering a car windscreen in the process.

We love to see it.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.