10 Best Old School WWE Cage Matches

8. Ken Shamrock Vs. The Rock Vs. Mankind (Breakdown, 1998)

Bret Owen Hart Cage Match SummerSlam 1994

In October 1997, the WWF had introduced the Hell in a Cell match, its first big variation on the cage match. The massive success of the first Cell matches meant the blue bar format needed to change to stay relevant. So for the first time, three men participated in the same cage bout.

The Rock was still theoretically a heel at this point, insulting all and sundry in his interviews, but he was quickly becoming the second most popular man on the roster behind 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, whereas Mankind had nearly killed himself in the Hell In A Cell in June, and was also growing in popularity as part-psychotic violent madman, part-loveable goofball.

Mankind again flew off the cage, blood returned to the match from The Rock's forehead, and the Triple Threat aspect allowed for a new twist on the drama of the ending, as The Rock crawled over to pin an unconscious Shamrock as Mankind was about to drop down to the floor. Despite Hell in a Cell threatening to replace the blue bar cage, there was enough in this match to suggest there was still life in the gimmick.


I'm a writer and drawer of things concerning music, films, wrestling and anything awesome. I've also written a novel and am doing my best to read, watch, listen to and enjoy every great thing our cultures have ever produced. It's rather difficult...