10 Best Opening Matches In WrestleMania History
2. WrestleMania XXX - Daniel Bryan Vs Triple H
It seems odd for an opening match to have a tough act to follow, but by the time this bout kicked off, the crowd had already seen Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and The Rock in the ring at the same time. They were on a high like no other, and this match had to maintain that energy.
At the height of the Yes Movement, with Daniel Bryan short changed at every turn by Triple H, this rivalry had the makings of an incredible match before the bell even rang. It was the epitome of good against evil, with every single person in building firmly behind their hero, Bryan.
Running for over 25 minutes, this is easily the longest match on this list, but at no point did it feel dragged out or boring. This was a war between two fantastic performers, and with a spot in the main event for the World Heavyweight Title, this match meant something.
What unfolded was a story driven match, as Triple H targeted the shoulder of Daniel Bryan, using the submissions his opponent was famous for to try and defeat him, and with Stephanie in his corner, there was a wonderful heel dynamic that put you even further in Bryan's corner. Of course, eventually the right man won this back and forth monster bout, kicking off Mania in the best way possible.