10 Best Times Wrestlers Faked Life-Changing Injuries

7. Alexa Bliss

Triple H Rattlesnake Bite Face

There's something about this spot that makes this writer heave every time.

At WWE's questionably-named Great Balls Of Fire pay-per-view in 2017, Alexa Bliss showed off her double-jointedness by "breaking her arm" during a match with Sasha Banks. Everyone looked on horrified as her limb flailed awkwardly around, and even Banks looked like she might start blowing chunks mid-ring.

The sympathy peaked before everyone's favourite conniving little witch showed her true colours; Alexa snapped her elbow back into joint and then capitalised on the distraction to attack Sasha. It didn't work out in storyline (she lost the match), but it was such a memorable moment that Bliss used the spot several more times over the next few years.

It genuinely seemed like she'd fractured her arm during the match. The ungodly angle her elbow sat at made one ignore the fact that WWE's cameras zoomed in like nothing was wrong. That definitely wouldn't have happened if this was a real injury.

Nice trick though.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.