10 Best Traditional WWE Survivor Series Performers

8. John Cena

Randy Orton Ss 2005

Like the man whose mantle he took up, John Cena has a 4-1 record in the elimination match. Stunningly, Cena has only provided three eliminations in those five contests - and two of those were The Big Show. This is Big Match John we're talking about, though; his impact goes way beyond the pinfalls he's made.

He survived his first three matches before CenaMania took over proper, and he was hurled into perpetual world title angles. Coming back to the format in 2014, it was a monster shock when he was eliminated early as he captained a team against the villainous Authority. Him leaving to a stunned crowd reaction made things all the tenser as Dolph Ziggler made his unbelievable comeback.

Cena brings the star power like very few, and shock eliminations like the one six years ago prove what an asset he is in matches like this. Whether he builds a team to take on a corrupt regime or is pulling for his brand with his at-all-costs attitude, John Cena is a man any WWE Superstar would want to have in their corner.

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Randy Orton
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A huge fan of pop punk music, all the movies, Bray Wyatt, Shawn Michaels, and tea.