10 Best Triple Threat Wrestling Matches Ever

2. Dudley Boyz vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Edge & Christian (WrestleMania X-Seven)

WrestleMania X-Seven wasn't the first time that the Dudley Boyz, Hardyz and Edge and Christian had faced off, but it was arguably their most perfect performance. The original TLC match at SummerSlam 2000 lives long in the memory, but something about WrestleMania brought even more out in all 3 duos. The daredevil nature of the bout is very entertaining. It's not hard to envision a pre-match meeting between all concerned, agreeing that they're going to knock the ball out of the park. Everyone was on top form, and the synergy between each participant makes 'TLC II' one match fans can watch time and time again. Of course, matches such as this one are directly responsible for shortening the careers of performers like Adam 'Edge' Copeland. Huge bumps, nasty spills off ladders, and general rough treatment all contributed to ending Edge's run as an active wrestler, but the man can look back fondly on a bout that gripped everyone watching. This is one of the greatest Triple Threat tag-team matches of all time.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.