10 Best Triple Threat Wrestling Matches Ever

3. Kurt Angle vs. The Rock vs. The Undertaker (WWE Vengeance 2002)

Throughout 2002, The Undertaker had struggled to really have memorable matches. At No Way Out, he faced The Rock in what was very much a throwaway encounter. WrestleMania X-8 against Ric Flair proved more promising, but poor matches opposite Steve Austin (Backlash), Hulk Hogan (Judgment Day) and Triple H (King Of The Ring) sullied his record once again. It's therefore perhaps surprising that his efforts at Vengeance were as good as they were. TV matches had been much more fruitful for 'Taker, such as his awesome clash with Jeff Hardy on Raw. At Vengeance, he was joined by Kurt Angle and The Rock, both no stranger to facing one another in Triple Threat matches. The show was a much-improved card on the anaemic King Of The Ring overall, and the main event was very well worked. The action came thick and heavy. As mentioned before, a lot of Triple Threat matches in WWE tend to ease into a pattern of one wrestler resting on the outside. There were elements of that formula here, but it was wall-to-wall brawling. Vengeance 2002 is worth watching for many reasons, but this WWE Title effort is at the top of the list.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.