10 Best Triple Threat Wrestling Matches Ever

8. AJ Styles vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Low Ki (TNA, 2002)

During the early months of TNA's existence, the fledgling new X Division was the main highlight. Following a failed run in the WWF, Jerry Lynn needed what the promotion was offering to get him back on track. Better yet, the upstart organisation promised to give young stars of the North American independent scene more exposure. On one of the first episodes, Jerry Lynn faced both AJ Styles and Low Ki in an unbelievably satisfying Ladder Match. The X Division Title was hanging above the ring, and fans were expectant that the match would provide a lot of thrills and spills. Nobody could have foreseen what was coming however, all 3 men tore the house down and set the bar high for future matches. Another Ladder Match featured later on this list was impossible to top, but this was a different company. TNA were eager to create their own identity, and the heavy emphasis on workhorse matches such as this did exactly that. There was a lot of nonsense on TNA's early cards, but this Ladder bout is surely one of the best the company have ever presented.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.