10 Best Triple Threat Wrestling Matches Ever

6. AJ Styles vs. Chris Daniels vs. Samoa Joe (TNA Unbreakable 2005)

For many fans, this is the greatest match in TNA/Impact Wrestling history. The one-off Unbreakable Pay-Per-View in September, 2005 also featured Rhino vs. Raven for the NWA Heavyweight Title, but few fans can look past the main event. At Unbreakable, the X Division Title once again showed itself to be the crown jewel of the entire company. Everything about this Triple Threat Match was perfect for fans of the division. Christopher Daniels was a fine champion, but people were excited by the prospect of either AJ Styles or Samoa Joe escaping the match with the belt. A lot of high-flying action was expected, and the wrestlers involved didn't disappoint. It's a tribute to Joe, Daniels and Styles that fans only wanted more once the 20+ minute encounter came to a close. Styles was the one who left as the new champion, but enthusiasts badly wanted a rematch. In their pursuit of being the 'next' WWE, TNA arguably lost sight of what fans wanted, more matches exactly like this.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.