10 Best TV Shows About Wrestling

9. Heels

Heels Starz

Heels is a ludicrously entertaining dramedy series set in a wrestling-obsessed Georgia town as two wrestler brothers (Stephen Amell and Alexander Ludwig) tussle over their late father's wrestling promotion while fighting to make it big.

Heels splits the difference neatly between hard-hitting in-ring action and broader character drama, enough that this is an easy sell for both hardcore wrestling fans and those who simply appreciate a fun, interesting story.

But given how few TV dramas have depicted modern pro wrestling in such an upfront way - if at all - it's the former who will surely appreciate it most.

Amell and Ludwig are terrific in the central roles, yet the entire ensemble brings it here, breathing life into a relaxed, low-key series that hits mostly the right beats.

Following the positive response to season one, Heels was renewed for a second season last November which started shooting just last month.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.